Well surely it’s better to sing about it, than complain about it; Mother Nature can’t be persuaded after all that we’ve had enough of the wet stuff. The departing snow bought the onset of ‘The Wet’ here in we have basically just talked about mud. Walking in it, rolling in it, getting stuck in it, showjumping out of it and I’ve even had to photograph it! “Mud, Mud; Glorious Mud” became the theme tune for the new few weeks.
Sometime’s you don’t need a lot of something for it to pack a punch - and that is definitely the case with the 2020 Eventing season.
It’s been bloody tough there’s no doubt, it’s been hard to plan with reduced press numbers permitted entry and late confirmation of attendance had me checking email accounts every 5 seconds on the run up to the big targets. But it’s been the most wonderful season in so many ways too……
September continued where August exited stage left, an action packed month with just enough spare time for a spot of seashell collecting….
Cornbury House had been murmured to be worth the wait and it was definitely that and so much more. After the doom and gloom of this Eventing year, this shiny gem emerged from the pack and really made their presence known that weekend.