Well surely it’s better to sing about it, than complain about it; Mother Nature can’t be persuaded after all that we’ve had enough of the wet stuff. The departing snow bought the onset of ‘The Wet’ here in we have basically just talked about mud. Walking in it, rolling in it, getting stuck in it, showjumping out of it and I’ve even had to photograph it! “Mud, Mud; Glorious Mud” became the theme tune for the new few weeks.
What a year that was. Again another season has come to an end, all the turkey and trimmings eaten and time to recap on the stellar year of equestrian adventures I have been lucky enough to enjoy with my team of riders and clients, before the fitness work kicks off in preparation of the new season.
There have been so many highlights, I decided to pick out my most memorable moments in photos from the 2022 season. Here are my picks:
They say good things come to those that wait – and boy was it a long wait to drive back through the stone-walled entrance of Badminton Horse Trials once again. Three long years since I was there and to say I was giddy to be back was a monumental understatement…
And so the curtain falls on another season. A stellar season. A hectically busy, where-has-it-gone type of season. This season could be have been a disaster but I persevered and it actually happened - Fortune favours the brave.
Then came the crazy idea that the season needed a finale… cue a little road trip to Pau, the perfect season finale, 24 degrees of sunshine, crepes and uninterrupted views of the Pyrenees.
So, although it’s a later start than we’re all used to, we’re all standing in the start box and the countdown is on - good luck to all competitors, owners, grooms, officials, volunteers and ‘togs. There’s lots to look forward to and some very exciting combinations to keep an eye on!
Eyes up, heels down and kick on!
Here’s to a safe, continuous and successful season to you all and hope to see you all out on course soon.
It’s a stark reality that the amazing sport that is Eventing, simply wouldn’t be viable, safe or quite frankly as much of a community spirited sport, without the thousands upon thousands of hours, donated by it’s awesome army of volunteers.
I came into volunteering not knowing all the rules and not really knowing anyone - some 5 years later, I’ve made life-long friends and have a much better understanding of the sport, the rules and a front-row seat on the best action out there. Why not get involved?!
I do still feel like the pause button has been pressed on life though - it’s so engrained in my brain that April is the Grand National, May brings Badminton, Chatsworth & Rockingham then onto Bramham in June - without these I do feel like I’m stuck in a Groundhog Day kind of loop; April fools day on repeat.
Thankfully there does seem some socially-distanced light at the end of the tunnel. British Eventing have delivered the much-needed news that after much consideration, deliberation and planning; Eventing is returning.
Well some few hours later and instead of 10, I had 29 on my ‘shortlist’ - the greats of the sport, some that pull on the heartstrings and some that will just always hold a special place in my heart.
When reading the list below, you will notice a theme, one that could be used to create the ultimate Eventer - powerful, quirky, enthusiastic and brave when going XC, whilst being in true harmony with their human partner. I am a big lover of this great sport and have been lucky enough to watch many who fit the aforementioned description.
The beautifully colour-coded calendar on the fridge of all my national and international Eventing fixtures is now obsolete. Wiped out. Gone.
One by one the fixtures make the inevitable announcement, cancellation is sadly communicated.
When all the social distancing is but a weird, distant memory, we shall again begin to plan those adventures and journeys. The color-coded calendar shall be re-born and off Eventing we shall go.
With January finally completed, we can all now look forward to brighter evenings, snowdrops giving us a hint of the springtime to come and finally we can say the Eventing season starts this month!
So with the impeding starting klaxon, I thought I’d share a few ramblings about what the season may have in store for us all.
Firstly, at the risk of stating the obvious, 2020 is an Olympic year – the greats of our sport will be heading east to Tokyo for the Eventing medals at the end of July.
With a new year fully underway I decided why monkey with tradition, so here comes the customary new year look-ahead to what the upcoming year may have in store for all us Eventing fans.
We have just passed the 200-day countdown mark to the opening ceremony in Tokyo, with Olympic fever sure to set in if it hasn’t already. “Who’s on your team?” will surely be asked several hundred times as early season events get underway.